Hair Care Living Life with Style Mon, 06 Nov 2023 12:59:52 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Hair Care 32 32 Curly Hair Routine for Natural Curls: 8 Easy Tips Mon, 06 Nov 2023 12:59:50 +0000 Taking care of your curls doesn’t have to be complicated, but there’s definitely a right way to help them thrive. Conventional hair routines and products strip curls of moisture and can damage your natural curl pattern, leaving your hair limp, frizzy, and depleted.

We’re here to help, with an easy guide to caring for your curls and insuring they get what they need to look their best. 

1. Stay away from curl harming ingredients 

What you put on your curls is important, but the things you avoid putting on them might be even more critical. Drying alcohols, parabens, sulfates, silicone, and certain waxed and mineral oils are all on the no list—and it’s worth researching to see if any other ingredients your hair responds negatively to. Read your labels carefully to ensure your hair products are free from potential hair harmers, or use an online tool like curls bot to ensure your product of choice is curl friendly.

2. Say no to frequent washes 

It’s tempting to make a complete wash routine part of your daily curl care practices, but that’s actually one of the worst things you can do to your strands. Curly hair thrives on moisture, and when you over wash you’ll leave your strands struggling to stay hydrated, often resulting in lackluster curls and an oily overcompensating scalp. To stretch your washes further, invest in a curl friendly hair health supporting dry shampoo. A few spritzes to your scalp will refresh your strands and hold you over until wash day.

3. Make moisture a priority

Speaking of how curly hair thrives on moisture, hydration needs to be front and center of any successful curl care routine. Curly hair follicles are generally more porous than straight strands, meaning moisture evaporates more quickly and hair has a tendency to be dry. Just ask any curly girl who has struggled with a case of the frizzies! An extra nourishing, moisturizing routine is key when dealing with curls. Apply extra conditioner on wash day using the “squish to condish” method, and make a hydrating hair mask a weekly habit.

4. Scalp care is key

scalp care routine
Source: pixels/Chill Jane

A healthy scalp is the most important foundation for your hair success, so it’s critical that you take care of it the right way. Boost blood flow to your scalp to make sure your roots are getting a fresh infusion of oxygen and nutrient rich blood using tire hands or a scalp massager. Avoid product buildup by thoroughly rinsing on wash day and using a monthly scalp detoxifying scrub. And if you suffer from dandruff, as many curlys do, make sure any treatment you undertake is appropriate for your hair type.

5. Avoid heat tools 

It’s tempting to use a curling tool to make your strands look even more defined, or turn to a flat iron when you want to switch things up, but relying on heat tools can leave your hair fragile, and your curl pattern disrupted. Even the humble blow dryer can dehydrate your hair if you make it a regular part of your routine. Remember that those porus strands of yours are already prone to moisture lost, so when you add heat to the mix you’re at risk of ending up with severely dehydrated hair. Try to keep heat tool use to a minimum, using heat free styling alternatives, whenever possible. If you simply must turn up the heat, make sure to apply a heat protectant product before you style.

6. Be sun smart 

You’re probably careful to apply sunscreen every time you leave the house, but did you know that your hair needs the same production? UV rays can seriously damage your strands, especially if you have more porous, curly hair. The heat from the sun can also cause moisture to evaporate from within your follicles, leading to frizz and dehydration. Be sun smart by covering up your hair when you leave the house, using a silk scarf or a broad brimmed hat. You can also use UV-protectant hair products for an extra dose of sun safety 

7. Don’t damage when you detangle  

You don’t need us to tell you that curly hair gets snarled easily, but did you know there’s a right way to detangle it? Many people end up doing more harm to their strands by handling tangles too roughly, so a gentle approach is key. Never brush your strands when wet, as that’s when your follicles are at their weakest, but don’t dry brush either, which can cause frizz. Instead, gently detangle strands when they’re damp and coated in conditioner. Work section by section to carefully work out tangles using your fingers or a wide tooth comb. This careful approach will help preserve your curl pattern and prevent damage to your strands.

8. Switch up your sleep habits

You’ve heard of getting her beauty sleep, but did you know that resting properly is just as important for your hair? Rough pillowcases and sheets can snag on your curly hairs, porous follicles, causing breakage and damage. Switch to a silk pillowcase to help keep your strands strong, or try sleeping while using a protective hairstyle, such as a pineapple bun or braids. Using a silk scarf or sleep cap to protect your hair is another great way to make sure you wake up with your curls looking fabulous.

So there you have it, or ultimate guide to curly hair care! By following these tips, you’ll be setting your stands up for success.

Hair Loss Prevention: Tips for a Healthy Scalp Sun, 14 May 2023 15:09:18 +0000 The most beautiful hair starts with a healthy scalp. If you want longer, stronger, shinier strands, then you need to maximize your scalp health. Here are some tips to get you started on your hair loss prevention journey:


Like your face, the skin on your scalp thrives when exfoliated on a regular basis. Things like oil build-up, dead skin, and hair product build-up can block hair follicles causing stunted growth and hair loss.

A natural exfoliant such as a stimulating conditioner will leave your scalp feeling nice and squeaky clean.

Wash regularly

Keeping your hair and scalp properly cleansed is another must when it comes to scalp health. For best results, wash your hair two to three times per week to keep the scalp from becoming too oily. Work the shampoo into your scalp but avoid working it to the tips of your hair, as they’re usually dry and prone to moisture loss.

Avoid heat

Whether it’s coming from the sun or styling tools, heat is one of the scalp’s worst enemies as it can do major hair damage. That’s why you want to avoid direct contact with the sun by wearing hats or scarves if possible and seek shade if you’re going to be outside for an extended period of time.

Also, keep the temperature of your styling tools on the coolest setting possible and only use high temperatures sparingly and only when absolutely necessary. Remember to always use heat protectant spray whenever you do use hot styling tools such as straighteners and curling irons, and avoid tight hairstyles such as braids or ponytails, as they can cause hair breakage.

Use chemical-free products

Whatever helpful or hurtful products we apply to our skin can have long-lasting effects as it absorbs everything that’s applied onto it. That’s why you need to choose your skincare and haircare products carefully.

The chemicals found in most conventional hair products can cause your hair to become brittle and prone to damage. Some of these chemicals include sulfates, silicones, and alcohol. So, look for products that are free from harsh chemicals and are designed to promote healthy hair growth.

Eat a healthy diet

The food you eat plays a significant role in your overall health, including your hair. A diet rich in protein, iron, zinc, and vitamins A, B, C, and E can promote healthy hair growth. Some foods that are particularly beneficial for hair health include spinach, eggs, nuts, avocados, and salmon.

Exercise regularly

Exercise not only promotes overall health, but it can also promote healthy hair growth by increasing blood flow to the scalp. Aim for at least 30 minutes of exercise per day, such as jogging, biking, or yoga to boost your confidence for the day while strengthening your tresses!

Massage your scalp

Massaging your scalp can also help with hair growth by increasing blood flow to the hair follicles. You can use your fingers to massage your scalp or invest in a scalp massager to make the process easier.

While there is no guaranteed way to prevent hair loss, there are plenty of steps you can take to promote a healthy scalp and hair growth. These hair loss prevention tips for a healthy scalp are easy to start incorporating into your hair routine and they’ll really let your hair shine!

Stop Hair Loss and Save Your Hair with These Expert-Approved Tips Thu, 04 May 2023 19:58:40 +0000 Are you starting to notice more hair around your brush or in the shower drain? Chances are, you’re dealing with potential hair loss. Uncontrollable factors like aging, genetics, or hormonal shifts can all contribute to hair loss and thinning, making it a frustrating challenge for those who experience it. But there is hope – not all hope of restoring a full head of luscious locks is lost! With the right guidance from some experts in the field, you can stop hair loss and save your precious crowning glory without breaking a sweat (or going bald!) Read on for our expert-approved tips that will help keep your tresses looking healthy and strong.

Invest in a good shampoo and conditioner

To combat hair loss and promote hair growth, using specialized shampoos and conditioners is a must. Every good hair loss guide will tell you to look for products containing ingredients like biotin, niacin, caffeine, and saw palmetto, which help strengthen hair follicles and prevent breakage. Shampoo for hair loss should be mild and sulfate-free to avoid drying out the scalp and hair. A highly moisturizing conditioner is key for providing nutrients and hydration to hair strands and follicles. While these specialized hair care products are not a cure, they can support healthy hair and scalp conditions to encourage hair growth and slow down loss when used consistently as part of a broader hair loss prevention regimen.

Avoid using heat

To maintain a healthy head of hair and reduce hair loss, it’s best to limit heat and chemical damage. Using blow dryers, curling irons, and flat irons on high, frequent heat can cause breakage and dry out strands. Similarly, dyeing hair and using harsh shampoos or other treatments can strip the hair of its natural oils and weaken it over time. Giving your hair a break from heat styling and chemicals whenever possible will allow it to rehydrate and strengthen, resulting in shinier, thicker hair that is less prone to shedding or thinning. Using a moisturizing shampoo and conditioner and limiting washes to 2-3 times per week can also help restore hair to its healthiest state.

Take supplements

To strengthen hair follicles and promote hair growth, incorporate certain supplements into your daily routine. Biotin, also known as vitamin B7, helps produce keratin, a protein that strengthens hair. Omega-3 fatty acids, like fish oil, provide fatty acids that are essential building blocks for hair. Zinc plays an important role in cell division and protein synthesis, including for hair follicles. Studies show that taking a combination of biotin, vitamin B, omega-3s, and zinc can reduce hair shedding and even stimulate hair regrowth. While diet should always come first, supplements can help fill in any gaps and give your hair the boost it needs.

Massage your scalp

Massaging your scalp with natural oils can help stimulate circulation to hair follicles and promote hair growth. Oils like coconut oil and almond oil are rich in fatty acids and vitamins that nourish the scalp and hair. To use, warm the oil of your choice and apply it to your scalp and hair, massaging it in with your fingertips. Focus on any areas of thinning hair or hair loss. Leave the oil on for at least 30 minutes or overnight before washing it out. Doing this 2-3 times a week can help improve scalp health, reduce inflammation, and support hair follicles for fuller, stronger hair.

Eat a balanced diet

A balanced diet provides the nutrients your hair follicles need to produce healthy hair. Focus on foods high in vitamins A, C, D, and E, iron, zinc, and protein—such as sweet potatoes, spinach, beans, nuts, seeds, eggs, and salmon. Omega-3 fatty acids are particularly important for hair health and can be found in walnuts, chia seeds, and fatty fish like salmon. Staying hydrated is also key to preventing hair breakage and promoting growth. Limit processed foods, sugar, and unhealthy fats like fried foods that can spike insulin and stress the hair follicles.

Try scalp exercises

Try incorporating scalp exercises into your daily routine to stimulate hair growth and prevent hair loss. Gently massaging and tugging at your hair roots will increase blood circulation to the scalp, delivering more oxygen and nutrients to hair follicles. This boost in nourishment can strengthen existing hair strands and promote new growth. For best results, take a few minutes each day to massage your fingertips into your scalp using small circular motions. Then, carefully grip sections of your hair close to the roots and pull upwards and outwards. Repeat this throughout your scalp. While results may take weeks or months of regular practice, scalp exercises are a safe, natural, and inexpensive tactic to support hair health and fullness.

Hair loss can cause distress and significant changes to both your appearance and confidence. Fortunately, taking proactive steps with the right advice and products can help to slow down or even reverse the signs of hair loss. By using the expert-approved tips mentioned above, such as investing in quality hair care products and eating a healthy diet rich in nutrients to fuel your hair growth, you’ll be well on your way to achieving healthier, stronger locks. Furthermore, don’t be afraid to experiment with different methods until you find something that works best for you. With the right treatment program, you’ll soon have thicker and fuller hair again in no time!

Rogaine: How Does It Works, Usage and Facts Tue, 04 Apr 2023 07:08:11 +0000 Are you experiencing hair loss? If so, it’s likely that you’ve already heard about Rogaine, a popular drug that may help to counter the effects of hair loss and promote new growth. Rogaine is often available over the counter and is sold in various strengths, allowing people who are losing their hair to choose a treatment method tailored to the severity of their condition.

The best course of action for anyone experiencing hair loss is to speak to their doctor or healthcare provider about the optimal treatments available. However, researching drugs like Rogaine is a good first step to prepare yourself for your appointment and to have a better idea of what your options are!

Read on as we explore everything you need to know about Rogaine, including how it works, when you should use it, and how to use it in a safe and effective way.

What is Rogaine?

Rogaine is the brand name of a range of hair loss treatment products that contain the active ingredient minoxidil. It was first introduced to the market in 1986 as a 2% strength formulation. Since then, it’s been FDA approved to treat male and female pattern baldness. It can be purchased over the counter either as a foam or as a liquid.

Science is still working to fully understand how Rogaine promotes hair regrowth and limits hair loss. A 2021 review suggests that minoxidil has strong anti-androgenic, anti-inflammatory, and vasodilatory effects, which could account for its abilities. 

When is Rogaine Most Effective?

Rogaine will only work to address specific types of hair loss, like male and female pattern baldness. It also works most effectively if you apply it regularly and consistently as indicated by the manufacturer. 

It’s important to bear in mind that while Rogaine can be effective, it does not work the same way for everyone who uses it. 

Some users’ results may diminish after a few months of use, while others find that it works consistently for years. Many medical professionals will use minoxidil off-label to treat other forms of hair loss. But this should only be done under the guidance of a doctor.

Moreover, it’s recommended that you remain realistic about the results you expect to see. If Rogaine does work for you, you’re not likely to regrow all the hair you’ve lost, and it could take many months – up to four months or even longer – to see positive results. Most people will need to use Rogaine on an indefinite basis to maintain any hair growth that the drug has facilitated.

How and When to Use Rogaine?

When learning how and when to use Rogaine, there are a few key points to bear in mind. 

Firstly, always use Rogaine exactly as directed by the label or by your doctor. Ensure that your hair and scalp are dry before applying the recommended amount of Rogaine to the affected areas of your scalp. The product is typically applied both in the morning and at night, but follow your doctor’s instructions to ensure optimal results. Only use the product on your scalp.

Remember to always thoroughly wash your hands after applying Rogaine. 

After a few months, you may begin to notice new hair growth that is soft, light in color, and difficult to spot with the naked eye. Continue treatment and this hair will begin to take on the same color and texture as your mature hair. If you don’t see any new hair growth after four months of treatment, speak with your doctor.

Who Benefits the Most from Rogaine?

Rogaine tends to produce the best results in men and women with hereditary hair loss conditions, especially if they’re losing hair at the back of the scalp or on top of the scalp. 

This treatment is also the most beneficial to people who begin using it as soon as the first indications of hair loss start. If you’re already mostly or fully bald, minoxidil is unlikely to help you regrow a full head of hair. In this case, other hair loss treatments like implants may be a better option. 

Who Should Avoid Using Rogaine?

The people who should avoid using Rogaine without prior recommendation from a doctor are those who:

  • Are pregnant or breastfeeding. Rogaine is classified as a pregnancy category C drug by the FDA, which means that its potential to harm unborn babies is unknown. Do not use this drug without a doctor’s approval if you are pregnant or nursing!
  • Are experiencing sudden hair loss, hair loss after childbirth, or hair that is falling out in large patches
  • Have an itchy, discolored or infected scalp
  • Have a diagnosis of heart disease
  • Have lost hair due to the use of chemical hair products
  • Are experiencing a health condition or taking medications that could cause hair loss, such as alopecia areata, thyroid disease, or radiation and chemotherapy.

Does Rogaine Have Any Side Effects?

Rogaine is generally considered to be a safe drug for hair loss, and its side effects are typically mild. They include irritation of the scalp and changes in hair color or texture. Accelerated hair growth in areas that are adjacent to treatment areas, such as the forehead and the sides of the face may occur too.

More serious side effects are uncommon but can occur in rare instances. Speak to your doctor immediately if you’re experiencing swelling in your hands and feet, dizziness or fainting spells, sudden weight gain, pain in your chest, persistent itching or burning, and discoloration or redness at the treatment site.

People who begin using Rogaine may also notice that their hair is shedding more than usual during the first few weeks of treatment. The reason for this is that the hair follicles are pushing out old hair growth to make way for fresh growth.

Is Rogaine Right For You?

There’s strong scientific research to suggest that Rogaine can be an effective treatment for hair loss, especially in cases of hereditary hair loss conditions. 

Speak with your healthcare provider to find out whether or not minoxidil, the active ingredient in Rogaine, is a suitable treatment option for you. You may not be able to regrow a full head of hair, but it can possibly help you to reclaim some of your crowning glory!

How To Prevent Hair Damage From A Weave Or Hair Extension? Mon, 27 Mar 2023 18:31:50 +0000 Hair extensions are a popular way to enhance one’s appearance and add length or volume to their natural hair. Real hair extensions, in particular, are becoming increasingly popular because they offer a more natural look and feel. However, like any hair styling technique, hair damage is inevitable.

Below are some tips to prevent hair damage from a weave or hair extension, specifically real hair extensions.

Choose high-quality real hair extensions

One of the most important things to consider when preventing hair damage from a weave or hair extension is the quality of the hair itself. Always opt for high-quality real hair extensions, which will be more durable and less prone to tangling and breakage. Low-quality extensions, on the other hand, are more likely to cause damage to your natural hair due to their poor quality and construction.

Take good care of your real hair extensions

Another important factor in preventing hair damage from a weave or hair extension is proper care. Be sure to wash and condition your real hair extensions regularly, using products that are designed for use with extensions. Avoid using heavy or greasy products that can weigh down your hair and cause damage. Additionally, be gentle when brushing and detangling your extensions, using a wide-toothed comb or a special extension brush to prevent pulling and breakage.

Avoid heat styling your real hair extensions

Heat styling tools such as flat irons and curling wands can cause significant damage to both your natural hair and your real hair extensions. If you must use heat styling tools, be sure to use a heat protectant spray or serum to minimize damage. Alternatively, try using non-heat styling techniques such as braiding or using foam rollers to achieve the desired look.

Do not sleep with wet hair extensions

Sleeping with wet hair extensions can cause significant damage to both your natural hair and your extensions. Wet hair is more fragile and prone to breakage, so be sure to thoroughly dry your hair extensions before going to bed. You can use a low-heat hair dryer or air dry your hair extensions, but be sure to do so completely before going to sleep.

Avoid tight braids and ponytails

Tight braids and ponytails can cause significant damage to your natural hair and your real hair extensions. The tension from tight hairstyles can lead to hair breakage and thinning over time. Instead, opt for looser styles that do not put undue stress on your hair, such as loose waves or a half-up, half-down style.

Use a silk or satin pillowcase

Cotton pillowcases can cause friction and damage to your hair, particularly when sleeping with extensions. Switching to a silk or satin pillowcase can help to reduce friction and prevent tangling and breakage. Additionally, silk and satin pillowcases are gentler on your skin, helping to reduce wrinkles and promote healthy skin.

Be gentle when removing your real hair extensions

When it’s time to remove your real hair extensions, be sure to do so gently to avoid damaging your natural hair. Use a detangling spray or serum to help loosen any knots or tangles, and use a wide-toothed comb to gently comb out your extensions. Avoid pulling or tugging on your hair, as this can cause breakage and damage.

Choose your stylist carefully

Choose a reputable stylist who is experienced in installing weaves and extensions. Make sure they know how to properly braid and sew in the extensions without causing damage to your natural hair.

Clean and moisturize your scalp

Keep your hair and scalp clean and moisturized. Use a gentle shampoo and conditioner, and consider using a leave-in conditioner or hair oil to keep your hair and scalp healthy.

Give your hair a break

When you wear a weave or hair extensions, your natural hair is often braided tightly or otherwise tightly secured to support the added hair. This can put stress on your hair and scalp, which can lead to hair breakage, hair loss, and other forms of damage. Make sure to give your hair a break between installs. Let your hair breathe for a few weeks before getting a new weave or extension to avoid putting too much stress on your hair and scalp.

Preventing hair damage from a weave or hair extension requires proper care, maintenance, and attention. By choosing high-quality real hair extensions, taking good care of your extensions, avoiding heat styling, sleeping with dry hair, avoiding tight hairstyles, using a silk or satin pillowcase, and being gentle when removing your extensions, you can enjoy the beauty and benefits of real hair extensions without damaging your natural hair. With the right techniques and a little patience, you can have healthy, beautiful hair that looks and feels natural, without the worry of damage from a weave or hair extension.

How to Take Care of Your Hair: 6 Hair Pro Secrets Mon, 02 Jan 2023 17:38:04 +0000 Taking care of your hair is an important part of self-care and ensuring that you look and feel your best. From choosing the right products to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, there are many ways to keep your hair looking its best. In this blog post, we will explore how to take care of your hair and practice good hair health habits for a long-lasting, beautiful mane. Read on to find out more about the tips for taking care of your hair and how to get great results!

1. Look Into Shampoo Bars

Shampoo bars are a great alternative to traditional liquid shampoos, as they are all-natural and have no added chemicals or preservatives. The shampoo bar lathers up quickly and deeply cleanse the scalp of dirt, dust, and buildup. Shampoo bars also contain natural ingredients such as essential oils and herbs that nourish your hair and make it shine. 

Additionally, shampoo bars are more environmentally friendly since they come in solid form and don’t require any plastic packaging. When getting a moisturizing shampoo bar, look for ones that are made with natural oils and butter like coconut, shea, or mango to help keep your hair soft and hydrated. Shampoo bars come in a wide range of scents and make an excellent addition to any hair-care routine!

2. Avoid Heat Treatments

Heat treatments can be damaging to your hair, so it is important to avoid them as much as possible. Heat styling tools such as curling irons, flat irons, and blow dryers should be used sparingly and at lower temperatures than usual. If you must use heat treatments, look for products that are sulfate-free and specifically designed to protect your hair from the effects of heat styling. Using a leave-in conditioner or a heat protectant spray before styling can help minimize damage. 

Additionally, air-drying your hair instead of blow-drying whenever possible is recommended in order to keep it healthy and strong. Heat treatments can be tempting for those whose hair takes a long time to dry or style, but taking the extra time to properly care for your hair will pay off in the long run.

3. Properly Oil

Properly oiling your hair is incredibly important for keeping your strands healthy. Oils provide nourishment and protection from the elements, such as sun damage or dryness caused by cold weather. Applying lightweight oil to dampened ends can help reduce breakage and keep your hair looking shiny and healthy. It’s important to use the correct type of oil for your hair texture and needs – consult with a professional to determine which one is best for you. 

Be sure to only apply a small amount of oil directly onto the ends and avoid applying it near the scalp. Too much can leave your hair looking greasy and weigh down your strands. With proper application, using the right type of oil can help the health and look of your hair.

4. Don’t Forget To Condition

A crucial component of hair maintenance is conditioning your hair. While it can be tempting to skip this step when you’re in a hurry, don’t forget to take the time to condition your tresses. The conditioner works by repairing and protecting the outer layer of your hair from environmental damage and restoring its natural structure. 

Select a product best suited to your hair type and use it after every shampoo. Allow the conditioner to absorb into your locks for a few minutes before rinsing off with cool water. Not only will conditioning help keep your hair looking shiny and healthy, but it will also prevent tangles and make styling much easier! Take care of your hair – don’t forget to condition it!

5. Use A Wide-Toothed Comb

Using a wide-toothed comb is an essential part of taking care of your hair. Not only does it help to prevent tangles and split ends, but it also helps to keep the natural oils in your scalp evenly distributed over the length of your hair so if you ever think to shop for hair care online or physically, always choose the best. When you come out of the shower or after washing your hair, use a wide-toothed comb to gently detangle your hair. Start from the bottom and work your way up, being gentle and taking your time. This will help to prevent breakage, as well as reduce frizz and keep your hair looking healthy and glossy. 

6. Use Hair Masks

Any hair care regimen should include hair masks. They provide extra nourishment and hydration, helping protect the hair from damage and maintain its health. Hair masks can be used as a regular weekly treatment or on an as-needed basis for special occasions. The key to using a hair mask is to choose one that works best for your hair type and condition. For best results, leave the mask in for at least twenty minutes before rinsing it out with cold water. Additionally, make sure to use a good deep-conditioning shampoo afterward to ensure all of the goodness is absorbed into your hair.

Taking proper care of your hair is essential for keeping it looking and feeling healthy, shiny, and vibrant. Following the steps listed above can help you do just that! From choosing gentle hair products to using a wide-toothed comb and deep conditioning masks, you can make sure your mane stays strong and beautiful. With the right care, your hair will thank you! 

How To Take Excellent Care Of Your Hair Throughout 4 Seasons? Sun, 02 Oct 2022 20:07:59 +0000 One of the key aspects of your appearance is your hair, and it’s essential to take care of it throughout all four seasons. This blog post lists some tips for taking care of your hair no matter what time of year it is. It’ll cover everything from protecting your hair from the sun in the summertime to keeping it healthy during the winter months. By following these tips, you’ll be able to have healthy, shiny hair all year long.

1. Summer

Summer can be hard on your hair. The sun can make your hair dry and brittle. In this case, always wear a hat or scarf when you’re outside to protect your hair from the sun. You should also use a leave-in conditioner that contains sunscreen to keep your hair healthy. You can even use an anti humidity spray to keep your hair from frizzing in the summer heat. Otherwise, opt for a hairstyle that keeps your hair off your neck, like a bun or ponytail. A bun will also help keep your hair from getting tangled, while a ponytail will still allow you to cool off.

2. Fall

Change your hair care routine during the fall as the weather starts to cool down. One of the best things you can do for your hair in the fall is to start using a deep conditioner. A deep conditioner has the necessary ingredients to help to keep your hair hydrated and prevent it from becoming dry and brittle. You should also consider getting a trim to eliminate dead ends developed over the summer. Fall is also an excellent time to experiment with different hairstyles. Try a new color or style to give your hair extra life.

3. Winter

In winter, it’s essential to keep your hair hydrated. The cold weather can dry your hair, making it more susceptible to damage. You should use a shampoo and conditioner that are designed for dry hair. You should also avoid using heat-styling tools as much as possible. If you must use them, use a heat protectant spray beforehand. Let your hair air dry if possible. Otherwise, if you need to blow dry your hair, use the lowest setting. The dryer must be at least six inches away from your head. This way, you can avoid damaging your hair and ensure it is healthy all winter.

4. Spring

As the weather starts to warm up, you can begin to take some of the extra steps out of your hair care routine. You can ditch the deep conditioner in favor of a lighter one and start using heat-styling tools again. Just be sure to use them sparingly. Spring is also an excellent time to get a trim. This will help get rid of any damage that has been done to your hair over the winter months. Experiment with different hairstyles and colors to give your hair a fresh start for the new season.

How To Shop For Hair Care Online? Fri, 16 Sep 2022 15:56:00 +0000 There are so many options to consider when choosing the right hair care products. You must figure out what kind of shampoos and conditioners work best for your hair length and hair type. You need to decide if you’re better off with this mousse or that styling spray. If you’re looking for vegan beauty products, you’ll need to look for specific brands that offer the best vegan beauty products for your hair care needs.

You might be able to compare labels and figure out what kind of haircare you need when walking down the aisles of a drug store. But how do you know which products are best when you’re browsing online with your favorite Netflix show in the background? Here are helpful tips for how to shop for hair care online.

1. Know Which Ingredients to Avoid

Before you start going down the Google search rabbit hole, the first thing you want to keep in mind is knowing which ingredients to avoid. Among the ingredients you should go out of your way to avoid are sulfates. While you want your shampoo to do what it does best, such as removing excess oil and dirt from your hair, you don’t want an ingredient like sulfates to strip the natural oils away from your hair. Your hair needs some natural oil to stay hydrated and healthy. If your shampoo says that it contains sulfates, stay away! Try clean beauty products to get shampoos and other hair care products with ingredients you can trust.

2. Great Hair Care Ingredients to Look For

Now that you know to stay away from sulfates, what ingredients are green flags? Go for any hair care products that contain natural ingredients such as honey, aloe vera, and shea butter. A good sign that a hair care product is good for you and your hair is if it’s a vegan hair care product from a vegan hair care company. If you want to experiment with different clean beauty products every month, try a clean beauty box subscription to get new clean beauty goodies to your door every month until you find the best matches for your hair.

buy hair care products online

3. Tips for Choosing Your Shampoo

First and foremost, make sure you are purchasing shampoo that is meant for your type of hair. Is your hair dry and dull? Is it thick and curly? Is it thin and straight? If you have dyed hair with vibrant colors, you’ll want a shampoo that won’t fade your hair dye so quickly. Remember that you get what you pay for, and while it may be tempting to choose less expensive shampoos, it’ll be more expensive for you in the long run. That’s because the more economical shampoos are made with cheaper, synthetic chemicals that strip away protective elements of your hair, which can cause hair damage. Opt for shampoos that will help keep your hair healthy and strong.

4. Tips for Choosing Your Conditioner

Choosing conditioners is similar to choosing shampoos—you’ll keep your hair type and length in mind. You can talk to family and friends for recommendations. Look online and read third-party reviews, which tend to be less biased. Depending on your hair needs and lifestyle, there are different conditioners to consider, including daily, wash-out, and leave-in conditioners. The rule of thumb is that wash-out conditioners will detangle your hair, while leave-in conditioners are meant to repair long-term damage. Consider a leave-in conditioner if your hair needs some extra love due to damage from processing or curling irons.

5. Do Your Research

Research is key when buying products online. Don’t just look at one single website or source to conduct your online search. Do your research by looking at various sources. Watch YouTube videos to learn about different products and their credibility. Look at reviews on the website. Look at reviews on third-party websites. If you’re looking for the best clean hair care products, ask online forums to see their recommendations.

woman shampooing her hair
Source: Svitlana Hulko/

6. Why Hair Care is So Important

Caring for your hair goes beyond looking great and feeling better. According to the American Beauty College, proper haircare is essential for your overall hygiene routine. The hair care you need depends on your scalp and hair type. For example, consider anti-dandruff shampoo if your hair is dry and flaky. For those with dry and dull hair, go for highly penetrating conditioners.

7. Dos and Don’ts for Hair Care

Last but certainly not least, here are some basic dos and don’ts to remember when shopping for hair care online and what to do once you get those hair care products in your hands. Depending on how dry or oily your hair is, along with the texture of your hair, you should shampoo your hair regularly. Choose chemical-free shampoos for better results for you and Mother Earth. Shampoos with clean ingredients are better for your hair and the planet. Avoid hot showers and go for lukewarm showers instead so you won’t dry out your skin or your hair.

How To Take Care Of Your Hair The Right Way? Thu, 11 Aug 2022 18:14:10 +0000 Looking for tips on how to take care of your hair the right way? You’re in luck! This blog post will discuss some of the best ways to take care of your hair and keep it looking healthy and shiny. It will also cover some common mistakes that people make when taking care of their hair. So whether you have curly hair, straight hair, or somewhere in between, read on for tips on how to take care of it properly.

5 Tips to Maintain Healthy Hair

1. Use the right products

One of the first things that you need to do when it comes to taking care of your hair is to use the right products. This means using products that are designed for your specific hair type. For instance, if you have oily hair, you’ll want to use a shampoo and conditioner that is designed for oily hair. The same goes for other hair types like dry, frizzy, or curly hair. In this case, your hair’s outer most layer will most likely benefit from a product with natural oils. If you’re not sure what products to use, ask your stylist or a friend who has similar hair to recommend some options. You should also avoid using any harsh chemicals on your hair, as these can damage it over time. Keep in mind that using the wrong products can actually make your hair look and feel worse, so be sure to choose wisely. 

2. Wash your hair regularly

Another important tip for taking care of your hair is to wash it regularly. This doesn’t mean that you have to wash it every day, but you should aim to wash it at least a few times a week. This is because washing your hair every day can strip it of its natural oils and moisture, which can make it dry and brittle. If you have oily hair, you may need to wash it more often than other hair types. But regardless of your hair type, be sure to use a gentle shampoo and conditioner when washing your hair. You should also avoid scrubbing your scalp too hard, as this can also damage your hair.

3. Brush your hair properly

One of the most common mistakes people make when it comes to taking care of their hair is brushing it too hard. This can damage your hair and lead to split ends. Instead, be sure to use a wide-toothed comb or brush and take care to not pull or tug at your hair too hard. Start from the bottom and work your way up when brushing, and be extra gentle with wet hair. You should also avoid brushing your hair when it’s tangled, as this can cause even more damage. If you need to untangle your hair, start from the bottom and use your fingers to gently work out any knots.

4. Be careful with heat styling

Heat styling is a great way to achieve the perfect hairstyle. But if you’re not careful, it can damage your hair. Hence, be sure to use a heat protectant before using any hot tools on your hair, and avoid using them too often. Heat protectant products help to create a barrier between your hair and the heat, which can minimize damage. When using hot tools, be sure to use them on the lowest setting possible. And if you’re curling or straightening your hair, be sure to use a ceramic iron, as this type of iron causes less damage than other types. Also, be sure not to leave it on one spot for too long because this can also damage your hair. 

5. Get regular trims

Last but not the least, another important tip for taking care of your hair is to get regular trims. This helps to get rid of any split ends and keeps your hair looking healthy. How often you need a trim will depend on your hair type, but most people generally need one every six to eight weeks. This is because split ends can travel up your hair shaft and damage your hair even further. So if you want to keep your hair looking its best, be sure to get regular trims. Also, protect your hair from the sun by wearing a hat or scarf when you’re going to be in the sun for extended periods. The sun can damage your hair and make it dry and brittle, so it’s important to protect your hair from its harmful rays.

So there you have it! These are just a few tips on how to take care of your hair the right way. By following these tips, you can help keep your hair healthy and looking its best. Rest assured that with a little bit of effort, you can have the perfect head of hair in no time.

Is Simfort Shampoo Legit? Tue, 26 Oct 2021 18:30:54 +0000 Simfort shampoo will provide your hair with the power and nutrients it needs. It stimulates stronger hair roots and enhances blood circulation, giving you the solid and healthy hair of your dreams.

Did you know that almost 80% of males in the globe suffer from hair loss? Hair loss affects many of them even before they reach middle age. It’s likely that you, too, are a sufferer of male baldness, and your hunt for a solution has compelled you to act.

If that’s the case, I applaud you for taking proactive steps to avoid hair loss that might lead to baldness in the future.

Every man and woman wishes to have beautiful hair. Hair is, without a doubt, the essential aspect of our appearance, and losing it may lead to sadness. However, several hair loss products are available on the market.

What Is Simfort Shampoo and How Does It Work?

Simfort shampoo promises to be a natural treatment for people who are experiencing hair loss. Hair loss is caused by sebum, which collects in the hair roots in debris and grime. The sebum plugs are becoming difficult to remove. Using the incorrect shampoo might aggravate the condition, leaving your scalp and hair vulnerable.

But do you know what may be of assistance? A shampoo that contains carbonic acid! Simfort shampoo is created with all of these considerations in mind. This shampoo’s mighty 8000 ppm carbonic acid power draws all the dirt and filth on the scalp, increasing blood flow through the scalp.

Furthermore, it revives dead pores and promotes hair development while keeping your scalp clean. Improving blood circulation and maintaining a healthy scalp encourages buried hair and allows new hair to grow more quickly.

Is Simfort Shampoo Legit?

Many shampoos in the market claim to stop hair loss and promote hair growth in as little as 24 hours. But, unfortunately, we all know that there isn’t a miracle drug that will instantly stop hair loss. So, if you’re asking if Simfort shampoo is safe, the answer is yes. Continue reading to learn the truth.

This shampoo is without a doubt a reliable product with a positive reputation on the market. The goods have received several positive ratings on an extensive commerce site. The website also has a professional and stylish appearance, as well as excellent evaluations. It is also paraben-free and professionally tested shampoo, leaving a positive impression and establishing a legitimate product.

Is Simfort Shampoo safe?

The majority of shampoos on the market today are loaded with toxic chemical ingredients that injure your scalp and hair. As a result, there is a lot of hair loss and thinning. Many individuals wonder that is Simfort shampoo legit.

The short answer is yes; it is risk-free and paraben-free, and made with natural ingredients. And if you’re still not convinced, you can read all of the Simfort shampoo reviews to put your mind at ease.

Simfort Shampoo Features

An unclean scalp and congested pores might hamper hair development. This shampoo, however, contains 8000 ppm carbonic acid, which instantly cures the problem by washing away all the filth and grime that has formed on your scalp over time. Healthy and robust hair begins with a healthy and clean scalp.

Your hair follicles control hair growth. So, if your strands have good blood circulation, your hair will grow well. Simfort improves blood flow, and they’ve conducted pharmacological testing to back up this claim. Improved blood circulation undoubtedly aids in the strengthening of hair roots, allowing for natural hair growth.

This hair development shampoo is popular among males because of its natural components. You can relax knowing there are no dangerous chemicals because it is SLS-free. In addition, the shampoo contains Swertia japonica extract, which promotes hair development and prevents hair loss.


We hope you enjoyed reading our honest Simfort shampoo review. Every human wishing for thick and healthy hair will go to any extent to acquire it. This shampoo assists people in achieving their goals, although results vary from one to person. It may work for some people, but it may not work for others. Therefore, if you decide to buy the shampoo, you must be patient and allow it to work before expecting immediate results.

How To Choose The Right Shampoo and Conditioner? Fri, 01 Oct 2021 18:40:00 +0000 Selecting the right shampoo and conditioner can be a confusing task. Strengthening, hydrating, smoothening, thickening- there are so many needs that we have in mind & we don’t know which product would be ideally suited for our needs. That’s why we’ve consulted some of the best board-certified dermatologists who can show us the right way to select shampoos and conditioners based on our hair type. To know more, keep reading the article.

Determine The Scalp First

Choosing the right shampoo and conditioner is possible when you understand your scalp type. Shampoos and excellent cleaning agents that remove accumulated dirt & oil from the hair & scalp. If your scalp is healthy, finding a good shampoo won’t be a challenging task. However, if it’s oily & itchy, you need to spend some time understanding what your hair needs right now & make decisions accordingly. Otherwise, taking care of your locks can be a cumbersome process. So, make sure you know your scalp first. 

Shampoo Advice For Oily Scalp

If your scalp is greasy and oily, you should steer clear of shampoos that are moisturizing, hydrating for curly hair. Instead, search for labels that are balancing, strengthening & volumizing. This will help remove excess oil & maintain your hair in good condition. Also, try double shampoos that will help you address different needs at the same time. However, do spend some time applying the shampoo well into the scalp. Also, make sure the mid-shaft & ends of the hair has been focused on.

Shampoo Advice For Dry Scalp

When your scalp is flaky, dry & itchy, make sure to avoid shampoos that are fortifying & volumizing. Such products will strip off all necessary moisture, leaving it rough & dry. If your scalp is dry or has little or no flaking, find something that promotes hair smoothing, moisture & hydration. This will promote moisture retention & hydrate your scalp wonderfully. Don’t go for shampoo and conditioners that carry sulfates as they can be drying.

Quick Shampoo Buying Tips For Hair Types

Thick Hair: Ladies with thick hair should try moisturizing or hydrating shampoos that add shine, moisture & smoothness. 

Straight Hair: Shampoos that contain extra moisturizers, as well as smoothing agents, will allow your cuticles to seal & smoothen your hair quickly.

Curly Hair: Find moisturizing shampoos, highlighted, over-processed & contain extra protein. This will help improve the hair condition as well.

Damaged Hair:  Shampoos that are fortifying are good for over-processed hair, highlighted weak, or brittle. 

Ingredients To Avoid While Shampoo Shopping

Always make sure to avoid shampoo that contains sulfates, mineral oil, petroleum, sodium chloride, fragrances, and artificial colors as they are harmful, can penetrate your scalp & cause damage. Some of them can also dull your hair and make it rough & lifeless.

There’s no doubt in saying that finding the perfect shampoo for your hair is the 1st step you need to take to perfect your hair care routine. When you know the best ingredients, formulas, and properties, you will easily find one that yields excellent results. So go ahead, do your research & we’re sure you will find what you are looking for.

Enjoy Hair Growth Improvements Over 40 Sun, 18 Apr 2021 13:06:13 +0000 40+ hair may not grow at the speed it used to, but that doesn’t mean that growth improvements are unattainable. To enhance hair growth in your middle age, it is essential to nourish your strands starting at the follicle level. Continue reading for five optimal tips to improve hair growth over 40. 

Why Does Hair Slow with Age?

 Many women start to see the side effects of ageing hair during menopause. During menopause, low levels of estrogen and progesterone are related to hair thinning and hair loss. Hormonal imbalances extend the amount of time the hair remains in the resting phase rather than the growing phase. This eventually leads to hair growing slower and thinner. Additional causes of slow hair growth include family history, a nutritional imbalance, medications, and smoking.

5 Optimal Tips to Improve Hair Growth

Give Yourself Daily Scalp Massages

Hair growth starts with the scalp. Scalp massages stimulate hair growth by stretching the cells of hair follicles and increasing blood circulation. A healthy blood flow helps to deliver essential nutrients and oxygen to your hair follicles. Additionally, it will increase the time your hair stays in the growing phase. You can give yourself a daily scalp massage using your fingers or a gentle scalp brush. This is a relaxing way to bolster hair growth. 

Boost Your Intake of Fatty-Acids

Fatty acids can promote hair growth and relieve dry scalp conditions. Healthy fats, like omega-3, contain proteins and nutrients that nourish hair follicles. Additionally, fatty acids are known to reduce follicle inflammation. Introduce healthy fats into your diet through salmon, tuna, halibut, walnuts, fish oil, canola oil, and spinach.

Don’t miss: Best Hair Skin and Nails Vitamins/Supplements

Get Regular Trims

Regular trims are a must to achieve healthy, long locks. It is necessary to snip away split ends to maintain strong strands. If ends are left frayed, they can split up the shaft of your hair, causing more breakage. Routine dustings will help maintain the integrity of your ends, making way for healthier hair growth. For optimal growth, it is recommended to trim your hair every 6-8 weeks.

Lock in Moisture

Moisture retention is an important aspect of improving hair growth. Firstly, the conditioner seals the hair’s cuticle, which locks in nutrients and protects against pollution. Ensure your conditioner contains strengthening, hydrating properties, like the one from Better Not Younger. Rice bran protein, argan oil, and seed oil are powerful ingredients in supporting dynamic hair growth. 

To go one step further, you can introduce a deep conditioner into your hair care routine. A deep conditioner is designed to penetrate the cuticle to provide intense hydration. 

Treat Your Hair Gently

As you age, hair should be treated more gently:

  1. Treating your hair with care includes gentle brushing. Practice safe brushing by first detangling your ends and then work your way up to your hair shaft.
  2. Keep your heat-styling at a minimum to avoid damage. Excessive heat exposure opens your cuticle, leaving strands vulnerable to external hair threats.
  3. You can use a microfiber towel and a silk pillowcase to reduce friction and potential breakage.

Smooth fabrics prevent your tresses from tangling and snagging. These three gentle techniques help strengthen hair, which will support a healthy growth cycle. 


40+ hair growth doesn’t have to be frustrating. From scalp massages to a nutritional diet and gentle haircare practices, you can enjoy hair growth for many years to come. 
